Although COVID-19 rules differ everywhere, businesses are hoping and preparing to come back to work in their office space in North America. Unfortunately, many businesses will return to the office with fewer employees than when they left and a greater number of employees who now want to work from home.
Some are scared to return at all in the interest of their own health. There are very many things to consider. As a business leader, what should you be thinking about with respect to your office space during these uncertain times?
Before you go back to the office, you should be asking the following questions about office space:
Think About Purpose
Being away from the office can give an opportunity to think about what type of office space will fit the purpose and promise of your business. Did you choose it because you thought you needed to? Is it fulfilling the promise you once felt? Is your office space a place to help your employees do their best work for your business? Now’s the time to think about how your office space serves your business.
Recruit & Retain
Many businesses have have adjusted to work-from-home, and have done it well. At the same time, can a work-from-home culture retain employees? Do certain teams or people need an office to perform well? Is your office a better place to work than where your team lives?
Culture & Collaboration
How much does your business culture depend on collaboration? What do you want to carry forward from the work-from-home experience? What do you need to get back that you have lost during this period? How does your current office support your culture?
Classic ROI
As you are thinking about your office space, have some perspective and take a moment to ask yourself; What does your office cost? Does it have a demonstrable ROI to your business? Can you team spend their commuting time doing something that would benefit the business?